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Vegas Pro 12: Match Project Settings

Sony Vegas Pro 12 has made it easier for you to match your project video properties to a video clip. When first adding a video clip to the timeline, a prompt will appear asking if you’d like to match the project video settings to the media. You can also right-click a video clip in the Project Media window and choose Match Project Video Settings from the shortcut menu.

Sony Vegas: Fade Type

When applying fades to video or audio in Sony Vegas, you may need to adjust the speed of the fade. To adjust the Fade Type, right-click the fade and under Fade Type adjust the curve of the fade. You can also right-click when hovering over the fade offset to bring up the Fade Type menu directly. Different types of curves will give different fade speeds so be sure to experiment with the different fade types.

Sony Vegas: Change Display Colors

Vegas Pro gives you the options to adjust Track colors, Envelope colors, Snap colors as well as the intensity of the icons in the track header. To view and change these settings, go to Options > Preferences and click the Display Tab. From here, you can make the appropriate color adjustments.